Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pre-Departure...less than 48 hours to Spain

Hello friends!

Welcome (to some of you) to the wide world of blogging! For the next 4 months, I will use this as a primary tool to communicate to my friends and family back in the states about my adventures and experiences in Spain. From January until May, I will be living and studying in Madrid, Spain at Saint Louis University Madrid. I fully intend to take advantage of everything that Europe has to offer, from traveling to experiencing a culture completely different from my own.

So...the big question: how am I feeling? Well, such a big question indeed has a big answer. Nervous? absolutely. Excited? most definitely. Sad to leave all of my wonderful friends in Dayton and St. Louis? of course. But underneath every emotion that I have is just a huge desire to get on a plane and GET THERE. I want to start my adventure and "get into my rhythm." Madrid is the third largest city in the European Union (behind London and Berlin, according to Wikipedia) and is a cultural "hot-spot" throughout the world. It certainly has so much to offer a twenty-year-old sophomore, and I'm looking forward to taking advantage of it :)

Once I get to Madrid, I'll be staying with a host mom named Paloma and 2 other roommates (I think...I'm staying with the same person my big sister from my sorority stayed with when she went to Spain last year, so I assume the arrangements are the same). From what I understand, its about a 40-minute ride from campus. Paloma will feed us breakfast and dinner, but I am responsible for my lunch arrangements. I feel that living with Paloma will give me a unique insight to Spanish life and culture. Once school starts, I'll be taking 5 classes: Spanish 310, Introduction to Oceanography, Public Speaking, Latin Rhythms and Dancing, and History 112 (Western Civ). Hopefully, this will be a nice balance between homework and experiencing Europe. Not having classes on Fridays will definitely give me a lot more freedom to travel and explore. :)

So, I think that is all for now! The next post I make here will be from my new home for the next 4 months: Madrid! As much as I will be updating you all on my life here abroad, PLEASE keep me posted on what happens back in America. I already miss you all soooooo much (especially everyone at SLU who I might not see until August...but let's not think about that...) and I want to know what you all are doing!! I love you all!!


Allison Rae said...

Awww Liza! Today is the day. I will be reading your blog and hearing about all the amazing new things your eyes are seeing other there. Ahhh! You are going to freakin love it. You're awesome. St. Louis is not the same without you. Have fun pretty girl! KIT.

brycestuck said...

Word on the street is you landed over in Europa safely. Have a blast! We'll be keeping track on here. Try everything, especially food and skydiving... Meet strangers, make America proud, make Jesus proud.